Tuesday, 17 June 2008

this is...

This is …well, late, for a start. This is …much harder than I thought it would be. This is…the space in which I create.

Kind of.

It’s my desk at work, which these days, besides the odd half-remembered dream scrawled in my Moleskine, or cackhanded knitting done on the tube, is the only kind of ‘creating’ I’m doing.

But that’s going to change.

Other ‘This is…’ challenge-takers:

Meet me at Mike’s
Miss Frugality (reminds me of the funny louvred room tacked onto the side of a house I once lived in, three lifetimes ago…freezing cold or stiflingly hot, but so full of light it was almost outside…)


Angela said...

Working does haves it's way of dampening creativity. Great to see a pack of coloured pencils.

Hey, I think your links are broken on your post.

Thank you for playing!!

Angela xx

Maureen Reynolds said...

Pencils, an idea ..it's all a start.